Thursday 5 February 2015

The 'cities' of Alexander the Great

Pliny the Elder, Natural History V 134/XXXVI, refers to an island called Cinaedopolis (Κιναιδό-πολις):

in Ceramico autem sinu Priaponesos, Hipponesos, Pserema, Lampsa, Aemyndus, Passala, Crusa, Pyrrhaeciusa, Sepiusa, Melano, paulumque a continente distans quae vocata est Cinaedopolis probrosis ibi relictis a rege Alexandro.

In the Ceramic Bay are Priaponesus, Hipponesus, Pserema, Lampsa, Aemyndus, Passala, Crusa, Pyrrhaeciusa, Sepiusa, Melano, and at only a small distance from the mainland the island named Cinaedopolis, because certain persons of disgraceful character were deposited there by Alexander the Great (Loeb translation).

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